Suitable premises/Environment and Equipment

Safeguarding Children Policy
Policies and Procedures
Please find below a list of our Policies and Procedures. If you should wish to see a copy, please ask a member of staff.
Admissions Policy
General Welfare Requirement - Organisation
Suitable People - Employment
Promoting Health and Hygiene
Equality of Opportunity
Curriculum Guidelines
General Welfare Requirement - Documentation
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Children's rights and entitlements
Safeguarding children and child protection
Looked after children
Confidentiality and client access to records
Information Sharing
Uncollected child
Missing child
Supervision of children on outings and visits
Making a complaint
Valuing diversity and promoting equality
Supporting children with special educational needs
Achieving positive behaviour
Administering Medicines
Managing children with with allergies or who are sick or infectious
Nappy changing
No smoking
Food and drink
First aid
Children's records
Provider records
The role of the key person and settling in
Transitions/Home visits
Parental Involvement
Working in partnership with other agencies
Admission policy
The progress check at 2
Parent contract
Health and Safety / General standards including playground safety and sun protection
Risk Assessment
Fire safety and emergency evacuation
Recording and reporting of incidents and accidents
Employment and staffing
Induction of staff, volunteers and managers
Student placements